Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Making pumpkin cookies again

I'm always open to suggestions, so I tried my hand at the cookies that Lydia recommended after my last foray into the pumpkin cookie world; that is, I made the Pumpkin Butterscotch-Chip Cookies from Chow, but I used chocolate chips as per Lydia's instruction.

They were pretty good, but I think I might be sick of pumpkin cookies. Both recipes were a little too cake-like (I know, how is that a bad thing?). Of the two, I think I prefer the first attempt, but that's because I'm a sucker for icing. If I tried this recipe again, I would use both chocolate and butterscotch chips to shake things up.

Even though I've had my fill, I should tell you that these cookies went over really well at the meeting for which they were made. I'm pretty sure more than a few of those in attendance came for the food and not to discuss car co-op business, and they left satisfied thanks to this recipe.


Zoe said...

I have two cans of pumpkin in the cupboard patiently waiting to be turned into deliciousness. I know what you mean about the cake-like-cookie...sometimes leaves ya feeling like you'd rather just have cake. Or a cookie. I might save myself the trouble and try these pumpkin cupcakes at Smitten Kitchen. They look pretty tasty to me.

Lydia said...

You guys are charlatans. Those cookies are the best. The car co-op-ers know.

Anonymous said...

those look deeeee-licious! do you think you could send them to italy?
xoxox h