Friday, September 08, 2006

I took four of these photos

As you can see, Raissa, Imti, Michael and I got up to many adventures last week. The only pictures that might need explaining are those two of Imti: He was riding on this weird playground toy that spins you around. After you get out of it you try and walk around and you fall down. Genius.


Lydia said...

I love how you keep on changing your links. But I can't believe that you have a link to Go Fug Yourself!!! I just discovered it tonight thanks to Dooce's link, and I have seriously been o.d.'ing on it all night at work. strange coincidence.

Erin Riley said...

i have to give props to erin coulter for telling me about go fug yourself. it kept me sane during my work term. i should have linked to it sooner!

robyn. said...

those pictures are great! i especially like the one where you have jazz hands.

Anonymous said...

The playground toy was made by a Danish company, Kompan. And yes, it really was as much fun as it looks.