Monday, February 21, 2011

Making a log cabin pillow (part 1)

This is a pretty big deal. I've finally started my log cabin pillow project. I've mentioned my modest quilting aspirations on this blog before, but they really go back to my very first blog post over at Tentative Plans in 2006. Five years ago!

It's not finished, but I've got the top done, and I really like how it turned out.

I used the incredibly simple Design Sponge instructions for a free-form patchwork pillow (part of the Sewing 101 series). I'm not sure if I want to finish the pillow with zipper, but I'll be sure to let you know what I decide.


Jen said...

This was such a great thing to come home to, Erin! Congratulations! I'm very excited for you!

CoCoon said...

Erin!!! I didn't know you had a blog!! Totally looking forward to getting crafty with you!



Erin Riley said...

You better believe it, Gelareh! Two blogs, even. It keeps me sane while I work for the government.