Sunday, January 23, 2011

Making cookie dough, er, cookies

This afternoon Michael declared that he wanted a cookie (and quickly conceded that what he really wanted was cookie dough). We found a recipe for crispy chewy chocolate chip cookies, a few bags of chocolate chip dregs, and we were in business. It was so/too easy. My coworkers will be eating some of these tomorrow.

P.S. I'm looking forward to the days when I don't have to wait until the weekend to take a photo with natural light. Remember those days? They aren't that far away. Right?


brie said...

I told Sean about this post and he said:

"Nerds of a feather blog together"

I didn't blog it, but we also made cookies from a Smitten Kitchen recipe this past weekend! It's a global blog pal mind meld!!!

Erin said...

Nerds of a feather blog together. That makes me happy.