Thursday, December 10, 2009

Making pom poms

The motivation to craft has been lacking lately, but last Friday I became obsessed with making pom poms. I started out by making a DIY donut-shaped tool out of two pieces of cardboard, but I quickly abandoned all that for an easier method. I wrapped the yarn around my fingers, tied the bunch together and cut the loops. This video will show you what I'm getting at. This tutorial will show you how to make pom poms with a proper tool, but it all seems much more difficult than it needs to be.

I'm using my pom poms as Christmas decorations for now, but I think I'll make a garland after the holidays have passed.


Run Lori Run said...

I saw a post somewhere recently featuring a pop pom christmas garland and it was really beautiful. Good luck with yours!

chavacita said...

I loved my pom pom!

.::. ariane phillips .::. said...

I saw this post and thought it was a cute adaptation of your pom-poms: