Monday, August 31, 2009

Oh, summer

I fell in love with summer this year, friends. I fell hard. I'm so in love that I'm sad that it's almost over, even though fall is usually my favorite season.

I fufilled many tentative plans these past few months, and I'm sure that has something to do with my new found passion. I'll tell you about those activities soon, but you can look at some photographic documentation over here until then.

Maybe once I write down some new tentative plans I'll remember my real true love. Who doesn't look forward to a cup of tea and a puzzle on a crisp fall evening?


brie said...

I'm quite sad that summer is fading, too. I'm hoping for a mid-September rush of heat before the rains set in. Oh yes, Geneva gets rainy just like Vancouver.

(PS Did you get the postcard I sent you?)

Erin Riley said...

Yes! I got it a long time ago...and I've failed in my tentative plans to send one back. How much longer do I have?

brie said...

I'm here until the beginning of January so there is plenty of time! I'm just glad it arrived. I had a postage mishap and I was worried some of my postcards had gone rogue.

Anonymous said...

I miss summer too! Toronto got majorly gypped with the weather this year. I'm consoling myself with filling up my fall calendar with parties, looking through my cook books for hearty soups and stews to make, and ordering new fall fashion like skinny jeans (yes, finally) and flat leather boots. Maybe fall won't be so bad after all!

Erin C.