I'm pretty busy with school right now (I'm just finishing up a report on government policy regarding the CBC) and I'm not accomplishing a whole lot as far as tentative plans go (although solving CBC's problems has long been on my list of things to do). However, I am excited about a few (four) things and I thought I should take a minute (a half hour) to share them with you.
1. Elephant IslandSome of our Victoria buddies are in this fabulous band, and we just went to see the last show of their cross-Canada tour last night. It was superb. For those of you who know Zoe, her brother Galen is one of the two lovely troubadours. I love Elephant Island's music, so I suggest you check out their website instantly and listen to some of the sample mp3s - my favorite is Nighttime. I find it goes down especially well with an ameretto and cola.
2. Fuzz AwayA couple of weeks ago I splurged and bought myself a fabric shaver for $15. It has changed my life - well, my wardrobe anyway. Aside from the fact that it uses up my rechargeable batteries without remorse, it has proven to be more useful than I thought possible. I've made many shirts, scarves and jackets look like new thanks to this little wonder of an invention. Forget razor blades - this baby is worth the investment because it makes upkeep easy, and it even comes with a two year warranty - especially important if you plan to use it a lot (e.g. you buy a lot of second hand clothes that you need to fix up).
3. Amy SedarisI really want to buy Amy's new book (pictured above), but I'm holding out until I'm done with school; it'll be a reward for my hard work. So while I can't go on about how amazing the book is, I can share a clip from her days on the David Letterman show. I especially want my dad to check out this link, because her character work is astounding (do you all know that my dad is a drama teacher?). So if you are interested and/or you are my dad, go to Brie's blog and watch this clip that she posted last month. Easy.
4. KnittingThis is my knitting buddy Sarah H. We met at a knitting class earlier this year and now we are fast friends. Also, we still knit! I'm not much better than I was then, but at least I can pearl with confidence. Sarah and I are actually meeting up at Bean Around the World for some knitting on Saturday - it'll provide me much needed respite from the CBC. If you want to come knit with us, say the word. I'll post my latest project when it's a little further along.
I should note that my favorite songs from the Elephant Island cd aren't available online - they are 1)Greater Appetite and 2)Machinery. You'll have to buy the cd to hear them!!
i'd like to knit with you guys. but not today...as i'm sure it's already too late and i'm still in my pj's. i will admit that since the boy arrived i haven't knit a stitch.
Look at how cute we are! I am happy to report that even though we were kept apart by the horrible rain on Saturday, I stuck by the knitting commitment and am well on my way to making a new scarf. Thanks for the inspiration!
I too love the fabric shaver! That noise that the lint ball makes when it's razored off is as satisfying as something going up the vaccuum cleaner hose.
Oh man, I wish I had read this on time. I have so much catching up to do on the internetto! I am game for knitting any time. Nay, ALL THE TIME!
Also, a version of Greater Appetite is up on Elephant Island's myspace page, for any music fans who are later to this blog entry than I am. I think it's the unmastered album track-- pretty close, anyway.
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